Gramma Diane’s Caramel Apples



  1. Prepare apples by cleaning with a dry cloth and inserting popsicle sticks into the top as a handle.
  2. Melt butter, add sugar, corn syrup, sweetened condensed milk and salt.
  3. Stir until sugar has dissolved.
  4. Heat over medium heat for 12-15 minutes (it will be bubbling) or until it reaches 245 degrees Fahrenheit. (or “hardball” candy stage).
  5. Remove from heat and add vanilla. Caramel is incredibly hot. Use caution. Keep kids away during this time.
  6. Dip apples and place on a buttered baking sheet.

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We are open for apple picking

Currently picking royal gala, cortland, gingergold, and macintosh.
honeycrisp open on friday september 13.

Call for updates on crops: 905-640-5357

Apple hours: 

Wednesday to Friday 10am to 5pm
Saturday and Sunday 9am – 5pm
Holiday Mondays 9am to 4pm
CLOSED Mondays and Tuesdays.
Please call ahead 905.640.5357 for a crop update before heading to the farm. 

Please continue to follow us on Facebook and Instagram
for farm and crop updates.


Pets are not permitted. Our apologies.

~The Applewood Farm family

Use property at your own risk. Applewood Farm is NOT responsible for damage or theft.

Please lock your car and don’t leave any valuable belongings in your vehicle.